The SAR-MPC is responsible of the production of the IPF Auxiliary Data Files (ADF) of various types: AUX_INS, AUX_CAL, AUX_PP1, AUX_PP2, AUX_ML2 and AUX_SCS.
Those files are shared to the general public through the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem. However, as of 22 November 2024 only the Auxiliary Files published after 27 March 2024 are accessible from the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem. The access to older ADF from Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem will be provided progressively extended.
Only the most recent ADFs contain a description of change in their manifest. For the oldest one, the change description was provided in the SAR-MPC website but is not available on Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem.
We provide her the set of legacy ADFs published before 26th Novembre 2024 grouped by Sentinel-1 unit and ADF type. Each package contains the corresponding set of ADF together with a complete description of change as separate file.
Sentinel-1 IPF Auxiliary Data Files | Sentinel-1A | Sentinel-1B |
AUX_CAL (Calibration of L1 processing) | | |
AUX_ML2 (Machine Learning Models for L2 processing) | | |
AUX_PP1 (Processing Parameters for L1 processing) | | |
AUX_PP2 (Processing parameters for L2 processing) | | |
AUX_SCS (Simulated Cross-Spectra for L2 processing) | |
You can cite those ADFs as follows
Sentinel-1 IPF Auxiliary Data Files, generated by the SAR-MPC service, available on SAR-MPC Products
Sentinel-1 performs systematic acquisition of bursts in both IW and EW modes. The bursts overlap almost perfectly between different passes and are always located at the same place. With the deployment of the SAR processor S1-IPF 3.4, a new element has been added to the products annotations: the Burst ID, which should help the end user to identify a burst area of interest and facilitate searches. Now, we publish complementary auxiliary products, the Burst ID maps.
The maps have a validity that covers the entire time span of the mission and they are global, i.e., they include as well information where no SAR data is acquired. Each entry of the database contains information about burst and sub-swath IDs, relative orbit and burst polygon, and should allow for an easier link between a certain burst ID in a product and its corresponding geographic location.
The maps are public and can be freely downloaded here: [Burst ID Maps 2022-05-30]
The content is provided in sqlite3/spatialite binary (one per mode) and KMZ (one per mode and relative orbit number) formats. Additionally, a README file gives a description of the information provided by the maps, as well as information on the validation procedure and quality statistics.
For questions, please contact Copernicus EO Support ( addressing "SAR MPC". The questions will be forwarded to the SAR Mission Performance Cluster Service.
You can cite those burst ID Maps as follows
Sentinel-1 Burst ID Map, version 20220530, generated by the SAR-MPC service, available on SAR-MPC Products